If you wish to join via post and or payment by cheque or bank transfer please complete the postal application form here and send it to the address provided or email to our Membership Secretary
Life Memberships
We now offer, both individual and joint, life memberships as follows:
Life Membership £500
Senior Life Membership (over 60 years of age at time of application) £300
Joint Life Membership £800
Joint Senior Life Membership (over 60 years of age at time of application) £500
Payment for life memberships is either via post with payment by cheque or bank transfer please complete the postal application form here and send it to the address provided or email to our Membership Secretary
By joining the General Steam Navigation Locomotive Restoration Society members agree to abide by the rules of the society which can be read here. Our Privacy Policy can also be read here
The General Steam Navigation Locomotive Restoration Society Membership costs £18 for the year with members being kept up to date with the latest achievements, via our members magazine 'The Packet' published three times a year with progress reports on GSN and articles about Merchant Navy’s and the Light Pacific’s, access to the locomotive when possible and the ability to get involved with the Society.
Joint memberships are also available, for two members at the same address and receiving one copy of each issue of The Packet, costing £30 per year.
We are now able to take membership applications online using Credit/Debit Cards. All you have to do is enter your name into the box below and hit the "Buy Now" this will take you to a PayPal page where you enter your banking details. After the payment has gone through PayPal our Membership Secretary will contact you via email to confirm your application and get your society welcome pack posted to you.
If you are renewing your existing membership please include your membership number or name in all correspondence. Renewals, both individual or joint, can be made online by typing your name on into the relevant PayPal button.